
Legal, Privacy and Affiliate Disclosure

1.   Terms of Use

If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you should cease use of this website immediately.

We reserve the right to change the conditions in this disclaimer at anytime.

2.   Copyright Policy

The owners of www.wellbuiltstyle.com are the copyright holders of all written material on this website and the website’s logo and they may not be used, reprinted, (partially) modified or published without our written consent. You may, however, link to our content at anytime.

3.   Hold Harmless

The articles and comments on www.wellbuiltstyle.com are for entertainment purposes only. We are not liable for ANY damages you may incur by following ANY of the content on this site. Nothing on this website constitutes, or is meant to constitute, advice of any kind.  Before starting any fitness or diet related content on this site, always consult a qualified physician. Our articles do not replace the advice of a qualified professional or physician. You assume the risk of reading/using any content written on this site.

4.   Privacy Statement

We will not sell, loan, or share your personal or contact info to another company. We will not put your information on any type of spam list. We are also not responsible for the privacy practices of any advertisers or blog commenters

5.   Reserve Rights

We reserve the right to change the focus of our site, shut it down, sell it, or change its terms of use at our own discretion.

6.   Advertisers, Sponsors and Affiliate Information

We reserve the right to take on advertisers and sponsors. However, we will NEVER review a product for monetary gain. If we recommend a product, it’s because we believe in it and would use it ourselves. Our integrity is of the utmost importance to us.

We also reserve the right to use affiliate programs to generate income needed to keep our content free. When we link to a retailer on our site there is a good chance it has an affiliate connection to us (but not always). Affiliate links help us pay the bills, keep ad space to a minimum, and allow us to generate new content.